Horrible Bosses (2011)
Ordinary World: Dale is a dental assistant working for a horrible boss that is sexually harrassing him. He lives his day to day life the same way. Goes to work, deals with his HORRIBLE boss then goes to the bar to meet up with his 3 friends that are in the same situation.
Call To Adventure: Dales friends present him with an idea to "get rid of"" their bosses to help them survive their jobs they cannot leave.
Refusal to the Call: Dale thinks this idea is crazy and refuses to have anything to do with killing their bosses.
Meeting with the Mentor: Dale and his friends go to the most dangerous town in the state they live in where there is the most carjackings according to Gregory. They talk with this young fella and he says he will help them out to kill their bosses.
Crossing the Threshold: Dale and his friends do some "recon" finding out exactly what their bosses do on a daily basis. Getting into the mind set that they are going to kill their bosses.
Tests, Allies, Enemies: Dale faces Mr. Harkin, one of his friends bosses, one of the bosses they are trying to kill. Mr. Harkin finds Dale covering watch while his other friends snoop through Mr. Harkins house. Mr. Harkin has an allergic reaction to peanuts in front of Dale. Dale is trying to save him with his allergy shot, and his friends see him through the window and it looks like Dale is stabbing Mr. Harkin.
Ordeal: Dale goes to Mr. Harkins house to put peanuts in his shampoo so he will die from the allergic reaction. He then talks to his friends and tells them he doesn't think he can do this. That it would be wrong to kill someone. Dale and his friends are asked to the Police station for some questioning because there is suspision that they have something to do with killing one of the bosses.
Reward: In the end Dale blackmails his boss in the act of sexually harrassing him and tells her he is taking a 2 week expensive vaction that his boss his paying for and tells his boss that if he returns to his workplace the same way, his boss will be sent to jail.
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